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#VIDEOFORMES 2015 : Pix, sounds & Highlights / back in pictures
VIDEOFORMES, 30 years of mixing video, art & digital
By Le Transfo
From video to digital art and many other forms, the international VIDEOFORMES festival has existed and nurtured its particularity for 30 years in Clermont-Ferrand. And it is the artists who speak best of it!
With : John Sanborn (artist, USA), Philippe Franck (director Transcultures, Mons – Belgium), Catherine Ikam (artist, France)
By Loiez Deniel, President of VIDEOFORMES
Selected moments from VIDEOFORMES 2015, in this Photobook which compiles a selection of photographs taken by Loiez Deniel throughout this exceptional occasion.
By TV8 – Production: City of CLERMONT-FERRAND – March 2015
VIDEOFORMES is 30 years old, 30 years of shared stories of video and digital art! To celebrate this adventure, the festival presented a special event on the opening night, at the Place de la Victoire in Clermont-Ferrand: Video_Age, a compilation in images of outstanding artistic creations and recordings accumulated in its archives and those of Grand Canal, a partner in this production.
With : Ariane Loze (artist, actress and director, Belgium), Gabriel Soucheyre (director Videoformes, Clermont-Ferrand – France)
Slide show on a visual proposal by Gérard Chauvin.
Music by David Soisson.
Photo credits: Ariane Loze, Catherine Ikam, Gabriel Soucheyre, Gregory Robin, Gérard Chauvin, Hortense Gauthier, Loiez Deniel, Philippe Franck, Julien Piedpremier, Lanah Shaï, Naïk Msili.
Annabelle Playe / Music – Singing – Processing
Gregory Robin / Images
Installation produced in residence at VIDEOFORMES with the help of Clermont Communauté as part of its creation policy, with the support of the DRAC of Auvergne.
By Marion Balbarie, Florent Genestier & Hanna Henssien
With Gabriel Soucheyre, director of VIDEOFORMES and Gregory Robin (artist, France).
Designed and produced under the responsibility of Gabriel Soucheyre, and within the framework of the Master 2 Conduite de projets culturels, Livre & Multimédia, Departments of Cultural Professions, Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand.
By Gabin Beaudoin, Lucie Meunier & Myriam Plat
Video_Age 1.0: Images from the Place de la Victoire in Clermont-Ferrand on 18 March 2015.
Video : Alain Longuet, Gabriel Soucheyre, Stéphane Troiscarrés.
Live music : Comausaure
Coproduction : Coproduction: VIDEOFORMES 2015 / Grand Canal
Video_Age 2.0 : Images École National Supérieure d’Architecture de Clermont-Ferrand 20 March 2015.
Video : Alain Longuet, Gabriel Soucheyre, Stéphane Troiscarrés.
Live music: & L’infrazone
Coproduction: VIDEOFORMES 2015 / Grand Canal
Conceived and produced under the responsibility of Gabriel Soucheyre, and within the framework of the Master 2 Conduite de projets culturels, Livre & Multimédia, Departments of Cultural Professions, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand.
Make the wall (with Arture)
By Mélissa Latinier, Lucie Rodrigue, Florent Genestier & Anne-Lyse Arnaud
Designed and produced under the responsibility of Gabriel Soucheyre, and within the framework of the Master 2 Conduite de projets culturels, Livre & Multimédia, Departments of Cultural Professions, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand.
By Gregory Robin
Images shot during the exhibition at La Tôlerie for VIDEOFORMES 2015.
Screen Clothes
Par Gregory Robin
Images shot during the exhibition at La Tôlerie for VIDEOFORMES 2015.