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VIDEOBAR #53 : “Local time”


Audio-visual performance

by Folla Van Tès

Friday, May 4, 2018 | 6:30 pm > 8 pm
Chapelle de l’Oratoire
Free access



TEMPS LOCAL is an AV performance proposed by Folla Van Tès alias Serge Valla (improvising musician) & Philippe Fontes (video and sound artist).


Serge Valla greedily explores the obscure ways of synthesis and builds a sophisticated, full, powerful music. Philippe Fontes questions the temporality of the fixed or moving image in different contexts and uses video in its essential virtue: to diffuse in real time the image captured by the camera. His musical action, as for it, sticks to the one of Serge Valla, spitting its concrete brutality, multiple attempts of detour.


The performance TEMPS LOCAL – an experimental project conceived during their residency at VIDEOFORMES – aims to enrich the overly reductive idea linking sound to time and image to space.


More informations :

• Website of VIDEOFORMES : http://

• Website of Philippe Fontès :

• Soundcloud of Folla Van Tès :

• Facebook Event :