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Canope 63 & VIDEOFORMES present :

Videobar #71 : “Overview”


Audio-visual performance by Annabelle Playe

Wednesday May 15, 2019 | 6:30 pm > 8 pm
Chapelle de l’Oratoire
Free access



Creation October 2017 / live electronic device: Annabelle Playe / generative video creation: Hugo Arcier / Studio 130 With the support of: Occitanie Region, Centre National de la Cinématographie (Dicréam), Spedidam, Adami.



“Overview” is an audiovisual performance mixing electronic music and generative video. Annabelle Playe, alone on stage, interprets the music live from a device of electronic instruments. The music oscillates between electronic, electroacoustic, drone and noise. Chaotic or pulsed sound masses, enveloping timbres are connected to a reactive 3D audio surface, created by Hugo Arcier, and animating according to the musical parameters. Some sounds distort the surface, others generate colors that are diffused on it.

An odyssey, a quasi-nuclear energy that disturbs our perception of space, questions our posture in the world, electrifies the fabric that links essence, existence and universe. Music and images are in synergy to develop a sometimes hypnotic, sometimes chaotic force leading us to cross a wall of sound, a dazzling, to finally pass to the other side.


Annabelle Playe 

Multidisciplinary artist, she explores voice, sound, video and writing according to the projects she leads. She trained in singing and composition with Sergio Ortéga at the ENM in Pantin. In 2018, she is a laureate of the SACD “Musique de Scène” fund for the show “Delta Charlie Delta”, and is an associate composer at the Scènes Croisées de Lozère until 2020. Her albums ” Matrice “, ” Vaisseaux ” and ” Geyser ” have been published on the DAC records label. She performs in France and abroad.


More information:

Media partners: Radio Campus Clermont, Kinic

Technical partner: Videlio Events

