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VIDEOBAR #90 : ” Les clameurs “, KAFKA – La Zone Du Dehors

Installation | 2022

Friday, May 20th | 6:30 pm > 8 pm 

Followed by an exhibition as part of Arts en Balade
Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 May | 2 pm > 6 pm

Chapelle de l’Oratoire, 14 rue de l’Oratoire | Clermont-Ferrand | Free entrance

The work

As part of his 2022-2023 creation project, the musical and visual adaptation of Alain Damasio’s The Zone Outside, Kafka wants to experiment with a concept of occupying space in connection with the population. In the novel, we follow the evolution of the Volte, a group of activists who seek to awaken a people made too docile by a pseudo-democracy.

The goal of this experimental session is to create in a dedicated space and in its immediate environment a sound and visual universe in which to immerse oneself completely. When approaching this zone, one is subjected to clamors, these sound attacks that exist in Alain Damasio’s novel in the form of poetic salvos, haikus, political slogans… that seek to provoke a reaction in the listener: to become aware of the beauty of one thing, the absurdity of another, the possibility of a choice or the compartmentalization of thoughts. Inside the zone, one evolves within an installation where the clamors are visual (texts, photos and projected videos) as much as sound and where a musical and video performance takes place.

It is a presentation of this work in progress that the group will be able to experience at the Chapelle de l’Oratoire for the Arts en Ballade 2022.

The artist

Since its creation in 2002, Kafka has been writing and performing instrumental music that plunges the listener into a fascinating universe, whether as a quartet or within numerous collaborations.

Discovering, experimenting, sharing, exchanging, are essential concepts for the group. Having started in the footsteps of the great psychedelic rock bands of the seventies, the group has enriched its sound palette originally composed of guitars, bass and drums by including vibraphone, glockenspiel, keyboards, synthesizers and various small instruments. Over the years, the group has become impregnated with writing processes from contemporary music, concrete music, free music and experimental music.

More information on the artist’s website:
Arts en Balade:

Distribution & Credits

Based on the novel by Alain Damasio, La zone du dehors – edition La Volte

Conception of the show : Kafka and Théophane Bertuit
Music : Kafka
Drawings, video: Benjamin Flao
Musicians: Rémi Aurine-Belloc, Rémi Faraut, Guillaume Mazard, Emmanuel Siachoua
Voice over: (distribution in progress)
Video/light programming: François Blondel
Sound multidiffusion: Théophane Bertuit
Production & diffusion : Kafka Corp and Polyphone Records

Hosting in residence

Studio Polyphone, Le Souk, Vidéoformes, Dôme Sancy Artense, La Lampisterie, La Source à Volvic


City of Clermont-Ferrand, Conseil départemental du Puy de Dôme, Conseil régional AURA, Clermont Auvergne Métropole, Ville de Billom

