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The University Culture Service, the Ateliers secteur Lire/Ecrire du SUC & VIDEOFORMES present :
Videobar #70: Launch of Terres d’encre n°22
Readings and screenings
Tuesday, May 14, 2019 | 6:30 pm > 8 pm
Chapelle de l’Oratoire
Free access

Reading evening with the Compagnie Lectures à la carte and Alban Lefranc. Screening of an experimental documentary directed by Céline Beaune and Matty Raphanaud and a documentary on the Carnet Au Centre workshop directed by Hayat Kechit.
Number 22 of the magazine “Terres d’encre”
Produced in Clermont-Ferrand by the workshops Création Littéraire Contemporaine and Carnets au Centre (Read-Write sector of the University Culture Service) is the result of writing activities of students and guests, born of various constraints and meetings with writers. The meeting “Literature and Body” took place every week in the walls of the university, a public garden, a street in winter, a street in spring, a chapel that has become a place of culture, a dance hall, a prison… The magazine proposes the theme “Literature and Body”, in connection with the festival Literature at the Center..
Alban Lefranc
French writer and author of numerous novels such as Le ring invisible. Founder of the magazine La mer gelée in 2000 (bilingual French/German magazine), he collaborates with many French magazines and is a German/French translator for works. Since 2010 Alban Lefranc also writes for the theater.
Media partner: Radio Campus Clermont