VIDEOBAR #74 : ” UFO (Unidentifiable Video Object) “

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VIDEOBAR #74: ” UFO (Unidentifiable Video Object) “

AV performance, dance and electro-acoustic music


Thursday June 13, 2019 | 6:30 pm > 8 pm
Chapelle de l’Oratoire
Free access



Video : Michel Coste
Sound creation : Ludo Carroué and Dominique Martin
Dance : Françoise Trognée


Unidentifiable Video Object (UFO)
Michel Coste is a free-jazz lover and has a taste for improvisation and the risks that go with it. For this performance, he proposes live images in relation with talented electroacoustic musicians, Ludo Carroué and Dominique Martin, as if it were a casual conversation with no theme at the base. The dancer Françoise Trognée will complete the team and improvise on these images, thus providing a multitude of possible interpretations. Accompanied by the musicians and the dancer, Michel Coste will have three days of residency to create a performance of approximately one hour presented during this VIDEOBAR: UFO (Unidentifiable Video Object). The artist will then broadcast some of his films made from electronic music.


Michel Coste
At the origin of several events on the image, including the VIDEOFORMES festival, and for a long time a trainer in the audiovisual field, he has been developing his personal vision of video and digital images for 35 years in various fields of creation.
“With Michel Coste, every material has a memory… Trafficker of frames, modeller of voids, lover of the image and the spectacle, he is above all a polytechnician of the living, a scenographic experimenter… Michel Coste’s video is a theater of gesture, a universe of traced electronic signs.

Comments by J.P. Fargier – July 93 (Art press critic)


Media partner: Radio Campus Clermont