VIDEOBAR #20 : Nelly Girardeau & Laurent Pernot

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Meeting with the artists in residence at VIDEOFORMES.

08/12/11 – 19h00 – Free entrance


Gallery of the art of time – Les presses – 73 avenue de l’URSS – Clermont-Ferrand

Installation & Screening



VIDEOFORMES launched its first artist residency in 2003, working essentially on a long-term basis with local artists. Twelve residencies have since enriched the experience and the mastery of this accompaniment. With the cross residencies inaugurated last season, a young artist and a more experienced artist are invited to share a common time of work and presentation.

In 2011/2012, VIDEOFORMES welcomes Nelly Girardeau and Laurent Pernot in residence. On this occasion, the two artists will each present a video.

Both artists will present a creation for VIDEOFORMES 2012 from March 15th to April 1st. Laurent Pernot will exhibit at the Mandet Museum in Riom from February 25 to April 22, 2012.

With the participation of ALTO (Département Métiers de la Culture, Université Blaise Pascal) and the Service Université Culture (SUC).