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Artistic and Cultural Education Project

“Artistic and cultural education associates the frequentation of works, the meeting with artists, the artistic practice and the acquisition of knowledge.” (Charter for the EAC)

The “VIDEO@HOME” project is part of the PEAC (Parcours d’Education Artistique et Culturelle) which can be proposed to the student by the teacher. It responds to the three main objectives of the PEAC: encounters (understanding artistic works and productions, exchanging with an artist, a creator or an art and culture professional), practices (designing and producing the presentation of a production), knowledge (mobilizing one’s knowledge and experience in order to understand the work)


VIDEOFORMES offers the loan of a video from the current year’s school screening program, on material support, gives the right to broadcast it within the school during the school year, and puts the teacher in contact with the artist author of the video.

The teacher, as part of his or her weekly class sessions, invites the students to think about and produce the staging and presentation of this video within the school itself in the form of an artistic installation.

It implies the choice of the place, of the modalities of diffusion of the video (projected? On television? Other?), of the accessories or possible equipment which enter in the scenography, of the time of presentation (duration, repetition…), of the interaction with the public… and of course of the meaning conveyed by all these choices with regard to the video presented.

Exchanges (at a distance, in video-discussion for example) between the class and the artist can guide the students in their choices, define certain limits or conditions, meet the artist and discover his or her work…

The teacher wishing to participate in this PEAC undertakes, at the end of the project, to provide a report with visuals (photos or videos) of the experience in class and within the school. Each project, with this information, will be listed on the VIDEOFORMES young audience website. The teacher can even suggest to the students to think about the mediation of their collective production (video report, article, audio with photos, etc.), mediation that can then be put online on the VIDEOFORMES Young Audiences website.

VIDEOFORMES does not provide the audio-video equipment necessary to broadcast the video in the installation, the teacher must make sure that the institution can provide it.


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